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Lung Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Lung Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Lung cancer is the uncontrolled and incessant growth of the cells of a malignant tumor in and around the regions of the lungs. Quite similar to other cancers, lung cancer spreads to various nearby regions beyond the lung and also to other parts of the body. The process of spreading to other secondary and tertiary parts of the body from the initial originating area is termed as metastasis.
Tips to Cope if Your Baby has Colic

Tips to Cope if Your Baby has Colic

Is your baby crying uncontrollably? Well, then there are chances that your baby is suffering from colic. How to find if your baby has colic? Babies normally communicate through crying. If they are hungry, or thirsty, or feeling disturbed, or in pain, they communicate it through crying. Although, there is a difference if your baby has colic.
Ovarian Cancer and Pregnancy: Complications and Remedies

Ovarian Cancer and Pregnancy: Complications and Remedies

Causes of Ovarian Cysts The causes of Ovarian Cysts are obesity, irregular menstrual cycle, early menstruation before the age of 11, infertility, hypothyroidism, and tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer. Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts The symptoms of Ovarian Cysts depend on the size of the cyst. Most functional cysts do not exhibit any symptoms.
5 Healthy Snacks For Binge-Watching TV

5 Healthy Snacks For Binge-Watching TV

Binge-watching TV shows is the ideal thing to do when you are confined to your house during the fall and winter breaks. Instead of sulking around about the weather, you can enjoy this brief hibernation spell by catching up on your favorite TV shows or a movie that you wanted to watch since forever.
Symptoms and Treatments of tardive dyskinesia that you should know

Symptoms and Treatments of tardive dyskinesia that you should know

Neurological disorders are the kind of disorders that usually causes a lot of problems among people. Even though they can be cured, it usually takes a long-term and the medical treatments also turn out to be expensive. One of the common neurological disorders that are caused among the people these days is the tardive dyskinesia.
Water Safety and Travel

Water Safety and Travel

Water safety is a major concern not just for business travellers, but also for those planning a vacation overseas. The importance of clean and safe drinking water and the risks associated with being affected by water-borne diseases increase if you are in a foreign land and are not paying enough attention to the water you consume every day.
Common Conditions That Require Blood Donation

Common Conditions That Require Blood Donation

Conditions That Require Blood Transfusion Millions of blood transfusions are needed every year for various reasons. R Serious injuries/surgery A common need for blood donations is after a major disaster causing excessive bleeding has occurred such as a road traffic accident of a natural or another disaster. The average car accident victim can need as many as 100 pints (4.5 liters) of blood.
DIY Treatments for Dandruff

DIY Treatments for Dandruff

Dandruff is an embarrassing condition to deal with. It often dictates the kind of clothing you wear, and even how you style your hair! Dandruff is essentially a skin condition in which the skin on the scalp starts to flake, and is often accompanied by itching and hair fall.Dandruff is an embarrassing condition to deal with.