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Healthy meal plans that make a happy you!

Healthy meal plans that make a happy you!

Eating healthy food in today’s world is highly essential, though there are only a few people who follow this. If you flounder every now and again, it’s not the end of the world, but setting a fixed healthy meal plan will help you benefit from a cholesterol-free or low-cholesterol diet.
Gluten free dinner – A healthy idea

Gluten free dinner – A healthy idea

Before you decide to switch to a gluten free diet let us know what really gluten is and how does it affects your body. Gluten is type of protein found in grains. The main function of this form of protein is to give the grain its shape. Some of the grains that are notorious for having high amount of gluten in them are; wheat, rye and barley.
Quick and easy gluten free breakfast recipes

Quick and easy gluten free breakfast recipes

Gluten is a composite protein which is found in certain foods like wheat and barley. This makes it difficult for people who are gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive incorporate these ingredients in their recipes. But there are substitutes which can be used to make the most important meal of the day without compromising its taste.
Easy to make breakfast recipes

Easy to make breakfast recipes

Breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day. Recipes range from a variety of bagels to fresh fruit, cold cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, donuts and even leftover pizza among the top foods consumed daily. Most recipes are quick and easy to make requiring minimum efforts.
What makes a recipe worth relishing?

What makes a recipe worth relishing?

Culinary expertise does not come in a day or two. It is a combination of perseverance, practice, correct method and passion of cooking. From coveted chefs to homemade cooks, there is a great level of attention to detail and interest in cooking that helps in creating some of the best recipes.
Five quick and easy dinner ideas for a busy weekend

Five quick and easy dinner ideas for a busy weekend

From lasagna, bacon salads to shrimps and burritos, you can now prepare easy and quick dinner for your family and yourself. There are a few dishes that do look complicated but have easy dinner recipes that you would love to prepare. If you’ve had a busy week and do not have enough hours in hand for the weekend too, but want to try out some great dished in limited time, here are 5 quick dinner ideas that you need to try out this weekend.
Interesting lunch meal recipes for kids

Interesting lunch meal recipes for kids

It is a known fact that kids are absolute picky eaters. If the meal is not the way they want it, then they would not even probably touch it. So, if you have a few lunch meal recipes in mind, they better be interesting and tasty for your kids to relish.
Lose weight smoothie-ly!

Lose weight smoothie-ly!

Losing weight is not an easy task when you are surrounded by delicious mouthwatering food. Wherever you go, the temptation follows. With our sedentary lifestyle, taking care of our health is no longer an option, it has become a necessity. Eating healthy and exercising has become a must these days and gone are the days you could just count calories and bow out with the excuse that your calories consumption has not reached the danger mark.